Deprecated: Return type of YDataTable::getIterator() should either be compatible with IteratorAggregate::getIterator(): Traversable, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/bdavid/prod/georef/yamldoc/ydclasses/ on line 428

Deprecated: Return type of YamlDataTable::getIterator() should either be compatible with IteratorAggregate::getIterator(): Traversable, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/bdavid/prod/georef/yamldoc/ydclasses/ on line 295
yaml pub]
Menu : html yaml json check reindex dump unset

dump session server cookie
Erreur: la classe FeatureDataset n'est pas définie
Création d'un document AutoDescribed

var_dump geodata/route500viewer /layers/commune/6/47/59

object(FeatureViewer)#4 (4) { ["_id":protected]=> string(22) "geodata/route500viewer" ["_c":protected]=> array(4) { ["title"]=> string(18) "viewer de Route500" ["abstract"]=> string(294) "**URL de test**: - [limite_administrative/7/62/44](id.php/geodata/route500viewer/layers/limite_administrative/7/62/44) - [zone_occupation_sol 10 506 358](id.php/geodata/route500viewer/layers/zone_occupation_sol/10/506/358) - [display map](id.php/geodata/route500viewer/map/display) " ["$schema"]=> string(47) "" ["featureDataset"]=> string(16) "geodata/route500" } ["fds":protected]=> object(AutoDescribed)#2 (2) { ["_id":protected]=> string(16) "geodata/route500" ["_c":protected]=> array(12) { ["title"]=> string(14) "ROUTE 500 2018" ["abstract"]=> string(1673) "La base de données ROUTE 500® contient l'intégralité du réseau routier classé caractérisé par un certain nombre de propriétés et complété par les éléments du réseau routier secondaire permettant la desserte des chefs-lieux de communes et des principales infrastructures de transport. Affichage complet au zoom 11. **Cartes correspondantes** : - [par défaut](id.php/geodata/route500/map/display) - [au zoom 10 au Sud de Nantes](id.php/geodata/route500/map/display?latlon=47,-1.3&zoom=10) **URL de test** : - [ogrPath simple: aerodrome](id.php/geodata/route500/aerodrome?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [ogrPath simple: commune](id.php/geodata/route500/commune?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [onZoomGeo: troncon_voie_ferree ](id.php/geodata/route500/troncon_voie_ferree?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [onZoomGeo: noeud_commune](id.php/geodata/route500/noeud_commune?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [badZoom](id.php/geodata/route500/troncon_voie_ferree?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=bad) - [badBbox](id.php/geodata/route500/troncon_voie_ferree?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8&zoom=8) - [badSelect](id.php/geodata/route500/badSelect?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [badOnZoomGeo](id.php/geodata/route500/badOnZoomGeo?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [badLayer](id.php/geodata/route500/badLayer?bbox=-2.7,47.2,2.8,49.7&zoom=8) - [select: coastline](id.php/geodata/route500/coastline?bbox=-1.97,46.68,-1.92,46.70&zoom=8) - [troncon_hydrographique ](id.php/geodata/route500/troncon_hydrographique?bbox=-1.97,46.68,-1.92,46.70&zoom=8) - [noeud_commune / nom_comm like 'BEAUN%' ](id.php/geodata/route500/noeud_commune?where=nom_comm%20like%20'BEAUN%') " ["licence"]=> array(2) { ["uri"]=> string(55) "" ["title"]=> string(23) "licence ouverte Etalab." } ["doc_url"]=> string(36) "" ["metadata"]=> string(70) "" ["$schema"]=> string(48) "" ["dbpath"]=> string(121) "route500/ROUTE500_2-1__SHP_LAMB93_FXX_2018-04-09/ROUTE500/1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2018-04-00189/R500_2-1_SHP_LAMB93_FXX-ED181" ["precision"]=> int(4) ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) ["layers"]=> array(17) { ["limite_administrative"]=> array(8) { ["title"]=> string(21) "Limite administrative" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["onZoomGeo"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(40) "/geodata/ne_110m/coastAdminBoundaryLines" [4]=> string(39) "/geodata/ne_10m/coastAdminBoundaryLines" [7]=> string(78) "nature in ('Limite côtière','Frontière internationale','Limite de région')" [9]=> string(103) "nature in ('Limite côtière','Frontière internationale','Limite de région','Limite de département')" [11]=> string(3) "all" } ["style"]=> string(781) "function(feature) { switch ( { case 'Limite côtière': return {color: 'blue', weight: 1}; case 'Frontière internationale': return {color: 'chocolate', weight: 2}; case 'Limite de région': return {color: 'red', weight: 1}; case 'Limite de département': return {color: 'orange', weight: 1}; case 'Limite d\'arrondissement': return {color: 'lightGrey', weight: 1}; case 'Limite de commune': return {color: 'lightGrey', weight: 1}; } // /geodata/ne_110m/coastAdminBoundaryLines + /geodata/ne_10m/coastAdminBoundaryLines switch ( { case 'Coastline': return {color: 'blue', weight: 1}; default: return {color: 'chocolate', weight: 2}; } } " ["styleMap"]=> array(3) { ["nature"]=> array(6) { ["Limite côtière"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Frontière internationale"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } ["Limite de région"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(3) "red" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite de département"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(6) "orange" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite d'arrondissement"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "lightGrey" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite de commune"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "lightGrey" ["weight"]=> int(1) } } ["featurecla"]=> array(1) { ["Coastline"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(1) } } ["default"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } } ["displayedByDefault"]=> bool(true) ["ogrPath"]=> string(39) "ADMINISTRATIF/LIMITE_ADMINISTRATIVE.shp" ["indexes"]=> array(1) { ["id_rte500"]=> bool(true) } } ["coastline"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(16) "Limite côtière" ["select"]=> string(49) "limite_administrative / nature='Limite côtière'" ["style"]=> array(3) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(2) ["opacity"]=> float(0.65) } } ["commune"]=> array(4) { ["title"]=> string(7) "commune" ["style"]=> array(3) { ["color"]=> string(4) "grey" ["weight"]=> int(1) ["opacity"]=> float(0.65) } ["ogrPath"]=> string(25) "ADMINISTRATIF/COMMUNE.shp" ["indexes"]=> array(1) { ["id_rte500"]=> bool(true) } } ["noeud_commune"]=> array(7) { ["title"]=> string(13) "noeud_commune" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["onZoomGeo"]=> array(7) { [0]=> string(39) "/geodata/ne_10m/populated_places_simple" [4]=> string(36) "statut in ('Préfecture de région')" [7]=> string(50) "statut in ('Préfecture de région','Préfecture')" [9]=> string(69) "statut in ('Préfecture de région','Préfecture','Sous-préfecture')" [10]=> string(93) "statut in ('Préfecture de région','Préfecture','Sous-préfecture') or (population >= 10.0)" [11]=> string(17) "population >= 1.0" [13]=> string(3) "all" } ["pointToLayer"]=> string(343) "function(feature, latlng) { var label =; var myIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: '/yamldoc/label.php?color=DarkSlateGray&font=3&label='+label, iconSize: [label.length*7, 13], iconAnchor: [label.length*7/2, 6], popupAnchor: [label.length*7/2, 6] }); return L.marker(latlng, {icon: myIcon}); } " ["displayedByDefault"]=> bool(true) ["ogrPath"]=> string(32) "RESEAU_ROUTIER/NOEUD_COMMUNE.shp" ["indexes"]=> array(4) { ["id_rte500"]=> bool(true) ["nom_comm"]=> bool(false) ["insee_comm"]=> bool(false) ["statut"]=> bool(false) } } ["noeud_routier"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(13) "noeud_routier" ["pointToLayer"]=> string(590) "function(feature, latlng) { switch( { case 'Carrefour simple': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.junction); case 'Rond-point': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.wendepunkt); case 'Echangeur partiel': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.parclo); case 'Echangeur complet': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.parclo); case 'Changement d\'attribut': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.point55); case 'Noeud représentatif d\'une commune': return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.point77); default: return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.warning); } } " ["ogrPath"]=> string(32) "RESEAU_ROUTIER/NOEUD_ROUTIER.shp" } ["troncon_route"]=> array(7) { ["title"]=> string(16) "troncon de route" ["editorialNote"]=> string(67) "Collection trop voluminseuse pour être affichée pour les zoom < 8" ["minZoom"]=> int(4) ["onZoomGeo"]=> array(5) { [4]=> string(21) "/geodata/ne_10m/roads" [8]=> string(32) "vocation in ('Type autoroutier')" [9]=> string(53) "vocation in ('Type autoroutier','Liaison principale')" [10]=> string(74) "vocation in ('Type autoroutier','Liaison principale','Liaison régionale')" [11]=> string(3) "all" } ["style"]=> string(957) "function(feature) { switch ( { case 'Type autoroutier': return { color: 'violet', weight: 2}; case 'Liaison principale': return { color: 'red', weight: 1}; case 'Liaison régionale': return { color: 'orange', weight: 1}; case 'Liaison locale': return { color: 'gold', weight: 1}; } switch ( { case '3': return { color: 'violet', weight: 2, opacity: 0.9 }; case '4': return { color: 'violet', weight: 2, opacity: 0.9 }; case '5': return { color: 'red', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; case '6': return { color: 'red', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; case '7': return { color: 'orange', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; case '8': return { color: 'orange', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; case '9': return { color: 'orange', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; case '10': return { color: 'gold', weight: 1, opacity: 0.9}; } } " ["displayedByDefault"]=> bool(true) ["ogrPath"]=> string(32) "RESEAU_ROUTIER/TRONCON_ROUTE.shp" } ["aerodrome"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(9) "aerodrome" ["pointToLayer"]=> string(73) "function(feature, latlng) { return L.marker(latlng, markerLib.airport); }" ["ogrPath"]=> string(28) "RESEAU_ROUTIER/AERODROME.shp" } ["communication_restreinte"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(24) "Communication restreinte" ["ogrPath"]=> string(43) "RESEAU_ROUTIER/COMMUNICATION_RESTREINTE.shp" } ["noeud_ferre"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(12) "Noeud ferré" ["ogrPath"]=> string(28) "RESEAU_FERRE/NOEUD_FERRE.shp" } ["troncon_voie_ferree"]=> array(6) { ["title"]=> string(12) "Voie ferrée" ["minZoom"]=> int(6) ["onZoomGeo"]=> array(3) { [6]=> string(12) "nature='LGV'" [8]=> string(38) "nature='LGV' or energie='Electrifiée'" [10]=> string(3) "all" } ["style"]=> string(410) "function(feature) { if ('LGV') return { color: 'black', weight: 2, opacity: 0.65 }; else if ('Electrifiée') return { color: 'black', weight: 1, opacity: 0.65 }; else return { color: 'black', weight: 1, stroke_dasharray:'8,2', 'line-dasharray': [2, 1], 'dasharrayx': [2, 5], 'dasharray': '4, 5', opacity: 0.65 }; } " ["displayedByDefault"]=> bool(true) ["ogrPath"]=> string(36) "RESEAU_FERRE/TRONCON_VOIE_FERREE.shp" } ["cote_frontiere"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(14) "cote_frontiere" ["ogrPath"]=> string(28) "HABILLAGE/COTE_FRONTIERE.shp" } ["troncon_hydrographique"]=> array(7) { ["title"]=> string(13) "Cours d’eau" ["editorialNote"]=> string(67) "Collection trop voluminseuse pour être affichée pour les zoom < 8" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["onZoomGeo"]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(40) "/geodata/ne_110m/rivers_lake_centerlines" [4]=> string(50) "/geodata/ne_10m/rivers_lake_centerlines_scale_rank" [8]=> string(33) "largeur in ('Plus de 50 mètres')" [9]=> string(58) "largeur in ('Plus de 50 mètres','Entre 15 et 50 mètres')" [10]=> string(79) "largeur in ('Plus de 50 mètres','Entre 15 et 50 mètres','De 0 à 15 mètres')" [11]=> string(3) "all" } ["style"]=> array(3) { ["color"]=> string(10) "MediumBlue" ["weight"]=> int(1) ["opacity"]=> float(0.65) } ["displayedByDefault"]=> bool(true) ["ogrPath"]=> string(36) "HABILLAGE/TRONCON_HYDROGRAPHIQUE.shp" } ["zone_occupation_sol"]=> array(4) { ["title"]=> string(19) "zone_occupation_sol" ["style"]=> string(284) "function(feature) { switch ( { case 'Eau': return { color: 'blue', weight: 0}; case 'Forêt': return { color: 'lightGreen', weight: 0, opacity: 0.65}; case 'Bâti': return { color: 'darkOrange', weight: 0, opacity: 0.65}; } } " ["styleMap"]=> array(2) { ["nature"]=> array(3) { ["Eau"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(0) } ["Forêt"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(10) "lightGreen" ["weight"]=> int(0) } ["Bâti"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(10) "darkOrange" ["weight"]=> int(0) } } ["default"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } } ["ogrPath"]=> string(33) "HABILLAGE/ZONE_OCCUPATION_SOL.shp" } ["zone_batie"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(10) "zone_batie" ["select"]=> string(36) "zone_occupation_sol / nature='Bâti'" ["style"]=> array(3) { ["color"]=> string(6) "orange" ["weight"]=> int(2) ["opacity"]=> float(0.65) } } ["badLayer"]=> array(1) { ["title"]=> string(8) "badLayer" } ["badSelect"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(9) "badSelect" ["select"]=> string(58) "limite administrative / nature='Frontière internationale'" } ["badOnZoomGeo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(12) "badOnZoomGeo" ["onZoomGeox"]=> array(3) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(44) "/geodata/ne_110m/admin_0_boundary_lines_land" } [1]=> array(1) { [7]=> string(25) "nature='Limite côtière'" } [2]=> array(1) { [11]=> string(3) "all" } } } } ["mysql_database"]=> array(2) { [""]=> string(8) "route500" [""]=> string(15) "bdavid_route500" } } } ["layers":protected]=> array(17) { ["limite_administrative"]=> array(4) { ["title"]=> string(21) "Limite administrative" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) ["styleMap"]=> array(3) { ["nature"]=> array(6) { ["Limite côtière"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Frontière internationale"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } ["Limite de région"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(3) "red" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite de département"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(6) "orange" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite d'arrondissement"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "lightGrey" ["weight"]=> int(1) } ["Limite de commune"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "lightGrey" ["weight"]=> int(1) } } ["featurecla"]=> array(1) { ["Coastline"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(1) } } ["default"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } } } ["coastline"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(16) "Limite côtière" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["commune"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(7) "commune" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["noeud_commune"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(13) "noeud_commune" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["noeud_routier"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(13) "noeud_routier" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["troncon_route"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(16) "troncon de route" ["minZoom"]=> int(4) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["aerodrome"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(9) "aerodrome" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["communication_restreinte"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(24) "Communication restreinte" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["noeud_ferre"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(12) "Noeud ferré" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["troncon_voie_ferree"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(12) "Voie ferrée" ["minZoom"]=> int(6) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["cote_frontiere"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(14) "cote_frontiere" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["troncon_hydrographique"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(13) "Cours d’eau" ["minZoom"]=> int(0) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["zone_occupation_sol"]=> array(4) { ["title"]=> string(19) "zone_occupation_sol" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) ["styleMap"]=> array(2) { ["nature"]=> array(3) { ["Eau"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(4) "blue" ["weight"]=> int(0) } ["Forêt"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(10) "lightGreen" ["weight"]=> int(0) } ["Bâti"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(10) "darkOrange" ["weight"]=> int(0) } } ["default"]=> array(2) { ["color"]=> string(9) "chocolate" ["weight"]=> int(2) } } } ["zone_batie"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(10) "zone_batie" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["badLayer"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(8) "badLayer" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["badSelect"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(9) "badSelect" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } ["badOnZoomGeo"]=> array(3) { ["title"]=> string(12) "badOnZoomGeo" ["minZoom"]=> int(8) ["maxZoom"]=> int(18) } } }